Operation Skinny: Starbucks

/ Tuesday, July 10, 2012 /
I cashed in my voucher for the free drink, mentioned in my last post. While I was at it, I figured with all the craziness in life, I was gonna go for the ultimate indulgence. Then I realized, what?! "Skinny" is actually a different drink than just replacing the 2% for Nonfat Milk. Actually it's a 50% caloric intake of a difference. Personally, I feel like it's just as sweet, and just as derlicious. (Venti is for like, crazy people who need the caffeine like a pheen, you can also opt for a smaller size to save yourself more $ and more fat rolls.)
300 Calories - Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato, 2% Milk
240 Calories - Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato, Nonfat Milk
160 Calories - Venti Skinny Iced Caramel Macchiato*

*Sigh* There goes my once a month allowed Starbucks intake..

Me, Myself & Mair

Mary Kimm is an art director at a boutique advertising agency in NYC. She also regularly freelances for corporate and personal clients, bakes cupcakes, collects snowglobes (the cute, small ones!), is obsessed with sushi, and desperately longs for a french bulldog.
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