Mair's Summer Essentials

/ Tuesday, June 26, 2012 /
1. Starbucks Tumbler Grand-To-Go Cup (Find in stores or on Amazon/Ebay.)
It feels like you're drinking Starbucks all day, even when it's actually mediocre office coffee... Haha. I think these are just so fun, and sturdy. They close tight, and don't scratch up and end up smelly. I use mine all day from ice coffee, to just ice and water. Stay hydrated!

2. Maybelline Baby Lips (Find at any drugstore or Target.)
I've read a lot beauty bloggers blog about these, and although I love my Dior Addict lip gloss (Thank you HK uniee!).... honestly, these are even better. They're not sticky (I hate sticky!), they're light, fresh, and come in super cute colors, but most of all, they protect your lips. (And of course, they are $2.99 as opposed to Dior's $30+!) These are a solid option for basic sun protection. They smell fun, and no biggie if you lose/drop them. Don't forget SPF for your lips!

3. Goody Stay-Put Elastics (Find them here.)
I wish I invented these myself. I have extremely thin, lightweight hair, and even I get frustrated when a pony-tail holder, just isn't holding. These babies have a ribbed texture, that-is-a-genius!! I will never use a regular hair-tie again. Seriously. Invest in the extra 50cents, you'll be amazed. Nothing beats putting your hair up on a hot sticky day...

4. Mac Prep+Prime Transparent Finishing Pressed Powder (Wherever they sell MAC!)
I've been looking for a pressed powder, that does the job of Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil. Frankly, I've stopped using Bare Escentuals, because it's so messy! (I lose more product than I use, and the tops of the canisters get covered in powder, and get ugly, and bleh... ) This is much more transparent you can barely see the white come off the powder onto your brush, but when you put it on, it gives you a very even, matte finish (more matte, than "glow" of Mineral Veil). It works well with my concealer + bb cream combo. I do wish the plastic/packaging of the compact itself was a little more sturdy. I feel like if were to drop it, the hinge would loosen or just crack in half. Control the shine! Shiny face = Not pretty face!

5. Dove Go Fresh Antiperspirant & Deodorant 
(Find at any drugstore or Target.)
I'm not that sweaty of a person, haha, but in 95+ degrees weather. Who doesn't?! I personally love the smell of the Cool Essentials collection by Dove. I find that other deodorants can be flaky, crusty, or smell very strong throughout the day. They rub off on your clothes, and yuck! I use Dove Go Fresh, and it's pretty fresh, if I say so myself. Cucumber + Green Tea is my favorite scent. (I'm extremely sensitive to artificial smells, this one I feel is rather pleasant, and subtle, but good enough to know I have it on and it's working.)

6. Bandaids!
I am one to admit, that I have sacrificed...pain, suffering, for beauty and shoes. I think we underestimate "foot health" and don't realize, the support and comfort of our feet, actually affect our posture, back, etc. But, once in awhile, super cute shoes, mean... super cute shoes... I carry bandaids all the time, especially in the summer. Never know when they'll come in handy!

7. Popsicle Makers (Find them here.)
Aren't these uber adorable!? Throw some organic plain yogurt + honey + fresh fruit in a blender, and pour them into any popsicle maker tray for a luscious, healthy, and delicious treat! Keeps you away from the gelato and ice cream and anything else that's really good but really bad for you. I just ordered these cones from Amazon.

8. Seche Vite, Dry Fast Top Coat (Learn more here.)
Bright manicures are a must have for the summer for me! This is the best top coat I've used thusfar. You can put globs and layers on each nail, and it will lock in your polish, dry quickly, with no bubbles, and extra glossy shine. I've only seen it at my local Ulta, hopefully they'll become more easy to find.

9. $20+ Flip Flops (Similar here.)

Don't get me wrong, I've had well enough my share of $1.99 flip flops from Target or Old Navy, but you really need to consider what the lack of support will do to your body over time. I've actually stopped wearing flip flops on a regular basis. Only for quick trips or super casual, very hot, lazy days. If you're going to wear 'em, you might as well invest in quality construction, sturdy materials, and an ergonomic design. Tory Burch, Kenneth Cole, Cole Haan, Havaianas, Fit Flops, any of those would work, actually rule of thumb, you should be in the green if you look for a pair over $20. They'll last the entire summer and then some, and your feet/knees/back won't be crying.


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Me, Myself & Mair

Mary Kimm is an art director at a boutique advertising agency in NYC. She also regularly freelances for corporate and personal clients, bakes cupcakes, collects snowglobes (the cute, small ones!), is obsessed with sushi, and desperately longs for a french bulldog.
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